Peer review for pod 11 interactive learning resource

After careful reading of interactive Learning Resources designed by you, I think you have put a lot of effort into your work. And your hard work is rewarded. At a glance, this group did a great job on designing a fresh and creative course site. Chinese is considered to be one of the most difficult language in the world, so it is crucial to apply the appropriate teaching method.

Start with the syllabus. The description is fairly clear and shows that the group has a good understanding of the task. The team has demonstrated a strong theoretical basis for learning theory. The scoring system is detailed and fair. Learning outcomes are closely related to interactive activities. What impressed me most was that for students who are color-blind and don’t have computers, the designers of this course designed the course skillfully and flexibly. So these two special groups have no problem taking this course.

First of all, I really appreciate the designing of the activities in this course,which is able to let zero – basis students learn Chinese from simple to deep. However, In the students’ first activity, I don’t think they should practice with each other at first, it’s too hard for students who have never met Chinese at all. Instructors should help with their pronunciation first, and let them practice with each other when everyone is familiar with all the syllables.

As a Chinese speaker, all the remaining activities are designed in a great way, I believe all the learners are able to learn Mandarin rapidly.The study plan of each part is explained and described in detail, which is why I like the design of this course. Each section has an activity to help the learner. As a learner, a clear learning philosophy will make learning twice as effective with half the effort. I think this teaching method will be of great interest to everyone who wants to learn Mandarin.

You have chosen constructivism as your theory of learning, which I think is the best choice for language learners. Learning a new language takes more practice. Students should learn by speaking and writing. That’s why I think constructivism is the best theory for Mandarin learning.

Although I think the design of this course is perfect, I still hope to add more elements of writing. For Chinese, there is a great deal of attention to the writing of Chinese characters and the writing of Chinese characters is also an important part of Chinese traditional culture. So I hope I can make some improvements in this area.

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